Grade 6 - Alternate Reality Project
Grade 6 Mr. Joseph’s class
For the "Building an Alternate Reality for Eddie" project, students created an alternate reality for the character Eddie in the novel "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." The project was broken down into four steps:
Creating five possible characters for Eddie to come across and answering questions about each character to develop their personality and backstory.
Choosing one character from Step 1 and developing them further by answering more detailed questions about their personality, beliefs, and relationships.
Using the character development from Step 2 to create a plot outline for a scene in which Eddie meets the chosen character.
Writing a script for the scene, and then recording and performing the scene with props and costumes.
Finally, the students watched each other's recorded scenes and answered questions about the creative aspects of each scene, how they reflected the developed characters and plot, and what they learned about creating an alternate reality. They then shared and interacted with each other by discussing their answers in a class discussion on Google Classroom. Through this project, students developed their creative writing, critical thinking, and collaboration skills while exploring the concept of alternate realities.