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Grade 6 LITERATURE : "First-person, Narrative Writing (Audio-book)" Project


First-person, narrative writing gave the chance for students to learn all about and practice “thematic perspective”. Specifically, students learned that a change of POV can (1) transform the way in which plot points are conveyed to readers; (2) affect our word choices; and (3) help readers arrive at different conclusions/interpretations even when nominally speaking of the same facts - this is why readers can so often infer different themes from the same story.


Students were tasked with choosing a scene from one of their favorite films or books, then re-telling that scene from the POV of a minor character in the first person. Additionally, students were required to incorporate dialogue so as to become acquainted with the difference between exposition and literary story-telling. In pursuit of this, students had to (1) carefully consider where to best fit in dialogue for the sake of more suspenseful story-telling; and to (2) use a thesaurus in order to utilize more descriptive language for dialogue tags, which in turn allowed for greater emotivity from their characters without resort to exposition. Putting all of these together, students were lastly instructed to record their reading of their scripts for the purposes of creating an audio-book. Long hours and immense effort were put into all of them, so please enjoy and appreciate their dedication to creating, for the very first time, their own audio-books.

- JP



2. Catherine Huh (6A-JT1)

3. Dorothy Seok (6A-JT1)

4. Lisa Ji (6A-JT1)

5. Rachel Lee (6A-JT1)